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From Mass, to Cali, to Maine! Travel on a Budget.


Photos of the trip are at the bottom of the article

As a few stories have started this year, "while I was at Gem and Jam", I took my old job back with High Rock Security. I figured why not give it a shot. I am staying with family so bills are low, there is no significant other I have to take into consideration, I have a job where I have more control over my schedule, and I will be working while I travel so not spending money but making it! I took a chance and it was so worth it. Do not be mistaken though, I had to travel on a budget and with out my car, which is something I have not done before so I was a little nervous.

Let the planning begin!!!!

When I had originally started planning this trip I was only going to be working Lightning In A Bottle as security. I called my friend, I will call her Frass, to see if she would be there. Sadly she wouldn't but she asked if I would like to come out a little early and work box office at Joshua Tree Music Festival. Of coarse I said yes!!! I missed my friends and the community so I was thrilled for a little extra time and love! The plan was to be in California from May 16th (Thursday) through May 30th (Thursday). Then I was going to Maine for Fam Fest from June 4th (Tuesday) through June 9th (Sunday) where I would also be working.

As mentioned before I wasn't traveling with my car and I have never been to multiple festivals without my car so I had to figure out how to make sure I had everything I need for three weeks, as well as figuring out how I was going to get around on a budget! I took a few pointers from the book I am reading "How To Travel The World On $50 A Day" by Matt Kepnes aka NomadicMatt. It is an older version but I found it to be helpful with travel options while I was traveling.

What I needed was to get to the airport in Boston, from the Los Angeles airport to Joshua Tree Music Festival in Joshua Tree, then I needed to make it to Lightning In A Bottle in Bakersfield California, back to the airport in Los Angeles and then finally back to the house.

First step is travel and the cost. I needed a cheap plane ticket that was round trip. I have the best luck with cheap air fair at Cheap O Air ( I purchased my round trip ticket to Cali and back for $295. Some of the perks of this website besides the low air fair is you can become a member for free and earn points towards your next flight, car rental or hotel. I use this website for most of my plane tickets. There are other sites out there, this one is just my go too!

Rides were figured out but of coarse not with out some alterations along the way. My mom took me to the bus station in Framingham where I took the Flyaway bus to Boston airport. I did this on the way back as well. Each way costing $12. In Los Angeles most of my friends had to work so I ended up taking the fly away from LAX to Union Station for both arrival and departure. Each way cost $9.75 and outside a cranky driver it was super easy to find at the airport. Little hack if you do decide to do this, you can purchase a pass online before hand or pay when you get on the bus. From Union Station I took a Greyhound bus to Desert Hot Springs. The bus cost $29. Here is where things go a little off the rails. My friend who was suppose to meet me at the bus stop got into a car accident and could not come and get me. Thankfully she was not hurt but the car was not so lucky. So I asked another friend. He said yes so I thought it was all good. A day or two later his car needed work done and wouldn't make it to the bus stop. I broke down and asked my friend Frass for a runner from the event. I made it there in time for my shift that Thursday at 4pm and the runner was absolutely a delight to ride with!

I worked my shifts and JTree, I saw friends that I haven't seen since 2019 and made new friends! The music, the reconnecting, and the work is all things my soul needed! Being in the desert makes me appreciate the beauty that I live in but I also appreciate the beauty of the desert too. Joshua Trees are beautiful and this time of year the flowers on the cacti are blooming and there is still snow in the mountains. It is a view you will get no where else.

Before I had left Mass I had set up the ride from one gig to the next with my friend, we were going to leave the Sunday night and head to LIB. Some things got shifted around and the new driving schedule seemed a little chaotic and it looked like neither of us would get much sleep so we agreed to change it. I ended up riding to Lightning In A Bottle with my favorite old man!!! I was told if I wasn't at the van by 2pm then I was being left behind! You bet I was at the van on time, packed and ready to go. I loved spending time with my friend but I was so tired and hot that I kept falling asleep while chatting. I felt terrible but obviously needed the naps. We made it to the next event between 7pm and 8pm. We all got some sleep before the event began. Now it was time to get back to work.

I was in a different role that I normally was due to the guard card issue. I was an admin which means I was responsible for organizing, keeping track of radios, transcribing events or issues that were happening, paperwork, meals (I was not good at this), keeping the area clean and stocked snack and coffee wise. At first I was flustered. I was normally on patrol all other years and in the event, not at head quarters. It was different, I enjoyed it but I would prefer to jump between the two rolls because I like being out there helping people. Making sure people are safe and having a good time.

The event was absolutely amazing. I got to see even more people that I haven't seen since 2019 and meet even more people. There was a lot of connecting and reconnecting happening on this trip. I worked all over nights, completely flipping my usual schedule but it was good, it keeps me on my toes. As mentioned before I was an admin so did less roaming and hands on work but got to learn another side of the company and the workings which I love. Definitely got to know my bosses a little more and came back with less bruises! Before shift every evening I got to spend time with my friend Ace. Making it to some of the musical acts (Ayla Nero made me cry with her music), getting dinner and for me coffee as it was my morning (the Killa Dilla was a mouth gasm). Enjoying the interactive art, the fashion, and the different stages. I felt like I was back in my normal but also all new again.

I ended up leaving a few days earlier than I had expected because my guard card hadn't gone through yet and there were no shifts available for non carded guards. I changed my flight to come back and work at my normal person job! It cost about $200 to do and I couldn't make the change through Cheap O Air I had to go through the airline directly. I ended up catching a ride back to Los Angeles with one of my coworkers who was going that way. It all seemed to work out just right. I came back worked for a week at my normal person job and then went right to Fam Fest in Maine!

Fam Fest is always amazing. I do consider it my east coast home festival. It is where my friends family (both blood and chosen) are on this side of the country. I had chosen not to vend this year so I could enjoy more time with my people and have less stress. My little brother was there vending and my friend from New York came to the festival seen how she was in the state. Even though I was still working, because lets face it, I cant not work it seems, I got to spend quality time with loved ones. Yes there were a few unexpected events, some tears, many many more laughs and memories made! This festival cost me the gas to get there, a hotel room on the way, some food and drink, and lunch with my brother and his girlfriend on the way back.

This trip allowed me to reconnect with parts of myself that had been sleeping for far too long. The travel and time spent reignited my heart and drive. It gave me space to breath after all the life that had happened on the east coast. I got to see people that are friends and chosen family. Some of my friends heard I was coming and met me at the festivals (you know who you are <3) taking the time to choose re connection with me as well. It reminded me how much love I truly have in all the places I have been. My west coast loved ones also showed me how much I have grown and changed being huge mirrors and ''god shots" in and of themselves. I couldn't be any richer in life and love. To all my people I love you and thank you for being apart of this wild ride with me!

Some other minor expenses during this trip was I tossed my coworker gas money for the ride to LA and I mailed a box of stuff to myself so I had everything I needed. I used a lot so did not have to mail anything back. That cost me $30 instead of an extra bag on the flight which would have been another $55. Over all I spent about $615 for just travel and where I was working that was more than made back. It has taken a lot of work and trial and error to get to this place. I am grateful that I can do this.

Photo Album

I hope you enjoy the photos below. In order they are travel to events, Joshua Tree Music Festival, travel to next event, Lightning In A Bottle, travel to Mass, Fam Fest.


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